Nikkei Fishermen’s Legacy Challenge
From the bustling docks of Steveston to remote inlets on the northern coast, Japanese Canadians made many unique contributions to commercial fishing in British Columbia, both pre- and post-war. With pride and perseverance, the Nikkei fishing community proved themselves as highly skilled and hard-working fishermen and cannery workers and built a new life as Canadian citizens.
The Nikkei Fishermen’s Legacy Challenge was initiated to raise funds to support the preservation of Nikkei (Japanese Canadian) culture in B.C — to help preserve the legacy of our Nikkei fishing pioneers. Their families were invited to make monetary contributions to the fund to help protect and maintain the history of Japanese Canadians in the fishing industry.
Over $80,000 was raised for this project, of which $10,000 was donated to the Gulf of Georgia Cannery Society, a non-profit charity who works to preserve the history of West Coast fishing. The remainder was donated to the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre.
A permanent etched plaque remains on display at Nikkei Centre to commemorate all the Nikkei (Japanese Canadian) fishermen who fished in the coastal waters of British Columbia. Their courage, perseverance, and indomitable spirit in the face of physical, economic, and social challenges will always be remembered. The fishermen and their boats on this plaque are those of the more than 4,000 Nikkei who made a significant contribution to the commercial fishing industry of British Columbia.
Nikkei Fishermen’s Legacy Plaque
May 1, 2013 – September 1, 2013
Sadajiro Asari
F.V. S.A.
Hisao (Bill) Atagi
F.V. Shirolyn
Kaoru (Harry) Atagi
F.V. Eilock
Fujio (Frank) Egami
F.V. Ocean’s Best
Tsutomu (Tom) Fukushima
F.V. Amy Louise
Bungoro Goto
F.V. Golden Girl
Bunji Goto
F.V. Miyagi
Jack Toshiaki Goto
F.V. Teener
Goto (Tosh)
F.V. Luster II
Kenzo Hama
F.V. Mihama
Itsuji Hamade
F.V. High Sea Queen
Shinjiro Hamanishi
F.V. Dianne Gail
Kiyohide (Sam) Hamaoka
F.V. Miss Kamloops
Kelly T. Hamaura
F.V. Miss Miho
Kotaro Hayashi
F.V. Jan White
Masao Hayashi
F.V. Robyn M
Rintaro Hayashi
F.V. Georgia Prince
Tadasu Hibi
F.V. Nancy H II
Kiyoji Higo
F.V. Masumi
Saichiro Higo
F.V. Miss Acme
Yukinori (Ted) Higo
F.V. Midas
Yukio (Frank) Higo
F.V. Christine H
Tatsuo Hikida
F.V. Tami Lynn
Yoshihiro Hikida
F.V. Cape Star I
Ihei Hirata
F.V. Jewel
Kazuo Hirata
F.V. Monza
Ryotaro Horii
F.V. Sea Eagle II
Yokichi Ishida
F.V. Y.I.
Tomigoro Ishikawa
F.V. New Island
Iwao Itakura
F.V. I.I.
Shikazo Itakura
F.V. S.I.
Jack (Koji) Ito
F.V. Molly-J
Shigeaki Kamachi
F.V. Eventide III
Fumio (Frank) Kanno
F.V. Northern Viking
Takeo Kariya
F.V. Linbe
Yeiichi (Ed) Katai
Kazuo Kimura
F.V. Chi-Dori-Kay
Kikuo (Ken) Kimura
F.V. Romax
Noboru Konishi
F.V. West Wind I
Fukujiro Koyama
F.V. Lucky May II
Hiroyuki Koyanagi
F.V. Lorna K
Toyohisa Koyanagi
F.V. Golden West
Kiyoshi Kumagai
F.V. Island Star
Kunji Kuramoto
F.V. Bon Voyage II
Kamezo Madokoro
F.V. K.M.
Yakichi Maede
Hideo (Deyo) Maeda
F.V. Lianna
Masao Nomura
F.V. Royal Flash
Toshikazu (Tom) Nomura
F.V. Silver Lane
Tadashi (Andrew) Okano
F.V. Nancy Kano
Naoichi Okino
F.V. River’s End
Teiji (Jack) Omori
F.V. Lady Marie
Eichi (Pat) Oseki
F.V. High Light
Minoru (Sam) Oyama
Kunimatsu Saimoto
F.V. May S
Yonekazu (Frank) Sakai
F.V. Tross S
Hayao Sakai
F.V. Miss Keiko
Kazuichi Sakai
F.V. Lillian II
Teruo (Terry) Sakai
F.V. Happy Time
Yasuichi Sakai
F.V. Happy Time
Mamoru Sakamoto
F.V. Crystal S
Tsunenobu (Ted) Nakatsu
F.V. BC Valour
Satoru (Bill) Nakatsuru
F.V. Miss Sherry
Katsujiro Narukami
Kintaro Naruse
F.V. Marina
Takashi Nasu
F.V. Joyce N
Isao Nishi
F.V. Miss Audrey
Masao Nishi
F.V. Rembrandt II
Shigeharu Nishihama
F.V. Maxine N
Yoshiharu Nishikihama
F.V. Georgia Saga
Junichi (John) Nomura
F.V. Danmark
Susumu (Ted) Sakurai
F.V. Phantom Thrush
Eizo Sameshima
F.V. Miss Elaine III
Toshio Sameshima
F.V. Vicky May
Toshiyuki (Sammy) Sameshima
F.V. Salmon Queen
Kojiro (Ko) Sato
F.V. Scaner
Yoshiharu Shinde
F.V. Nancy S
Dennis Yuya Shiyoji
F.V. Twilight II
Noboru Shiyoji
F.V. Georgia Princess
Hiroshi Tabata
F.V. Pamela Dawn
Ken Takahashi
F.V. Shawna Lynn
Koji Takahashi
F.V. Midas
Wayne Takasaki
F.V. Wild Wind
Yukinori (Peter) Takasaki
F.V. Frigga
Yukio (Roy) Takasaki
F.V. Laddie
Tetsuo Tamemoto
F.V. Micon
Takao Tanaka
F.V. Darlene T
Yoneharu Tanaka
F.V. Mel Mar
Yonekichi Tanaka
F.V. Surf Queen
Yoshio Tanaka
F.V. Vivian T
Kiyoshi Tani
F.V. Spectrum
Bruce T. Tasaka
F.V. Lady Tansia I
Isaburo Tasaka
Judo (Jack) Tasaka
F.V. Lady Deanna
Masashi (Mas) Tasaka
F.V. Orion Sea
Taisho Tasaka
F.V. Milbanke Sound
Mosaburo Teraguchi
F.V. Terapac
Shigekazu (Sidney) Teraguchi
F.V. New Whitecliff Point
Yoshio (Joe) Teranishi
F.V. Centera
Yoshinobu (Johnny) Toyoda
F.V. Canada 101
Manabu Urata
Matakichi Uyeyama
F.V. Groom II
Hideo (Roy) Yamada
F.V. Lady Venture
Iwakazu Yamamoto
F.V. Vi-Ken
Katsuichi Yamamoto
F.V. Helen Y
Kazuo Yamamoto
F.V. Esteem
Teruo (Terry) Yamashita
F.V. Chatham Queen
Ukiyoshi Yasui
F.V. Centennial Queen
Tad Yesaki
F.V. Wild West Too
Mitsuru Yodogawa
F.V. Naomi Y
Shigeo Yokota
F.V. MoonGlow
Hiroshi Yoneda
Takeo Yoshida
F.V. Betty Jill
Toyozo Yoshida
F.V. N.P. 346
Yoshiji Yoshida
F.V. Sea Sweep
Iwakichi Yoshihara
F.V. I.Y.
Tokuichiro Murao
F.V. Mary M
Shigeo (George) Suzuki
F.V. Shianabev
Sadamichi Maihara
F.V. Kathryn M
Takeo Mase
F.V. Kathryn N
Isamu Matsuzaki
F.V. Salt Spray
Yoshihiro (Peter) Mayede
F.V. Julie-May
Yoshiharu Mayede
F.V. Arlene M
Ichitaro Miki
F.V. Atlin Star
Toru (Robert) Miki
F.V. Happy Time
Toshichi Miki
F.V. Gulf I
Tomekichi (Nasu) Mio
F.V. Miss Mio
Bobby Morimoto
F.V. Aramis
Shigekazu Morimoto
F.V. Ocean Comet
Masaharu Morishita
F.V. Gay Ocean
Masaru J. Morishita
F.V. Orrin May
Seishi (George) Mukai
F.V. Maple Bay III
Masuo Mukai
F.V. Cathy Jean
Teruo Mukai
F.V. Happy Time I
Atsushi Murakami
F.V. Santa Barbara
Kiyoshi (Jack) Murakami
F.V. Western Sea II
Toshio Murao
F.V. Koki M
Takaharu Nakanishi
F.V. Swan Lake
Tamejiro Nakanishi
F.V. Brother N
Yasumatsu Nakashima F.V. High Price
Takao Nakatani
F.V. Miss Lin