Legacy Signage Project
The 75th Anniversary Legacy Signage Project is part of the mix of projects that commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Japanese Canadian internment experience. On April 1 2017, HeritageBC officially recognized 56 new BC historic sites nominated by the Japanese Canadian Historic Places Recognition Project as new entries in the official provincial registry of historic places in BC. This was the result of an intensive joint effort by the Japanese Canadian community and HeritageBC, the provincial body responsible for the registry.
Eight Highway Legacy Signs have been installed at provincially-recognized Internment Sites and Road Camps to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Internment. These Legacy Signs will provide a platform for local history education and Heritage Tourism.
The eight Internment Site Clusters and Road Camps commemorated by this project include:
East Lillooet/McGillvray Falls/Calhoun Farm/Taylor Lake/Bridge River/Minto
Greenwood/Christina Lake/Midway/Grand Forks
Slocan Extension (Slocan/Popoff/Bay Farm/Lemon Creek)
New Denver/Rosebery/Sandon
Hope Princeton Road Camps
Revelstoke-Sicamous Road Camps
The success of the signage project is due to the BC government and the passionate committed community volunteers.
Legacy Signage Project Donor Wall
Gifts from December 1, 2017 — December 31, 2018
We apologize for any errors or omissions in this list. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Shayla & Janelle Momotani (East Lillooet)
Lillian S. Morishita (Education Fund)
Mary Morita (Slocan)
Sayoe Mukai (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Shingo & Saburo Murakami
Ernie Murakami (General)
In Memory of David Masao Murakami
Mike N. Murakami (New Denver)
Heidi Murao (East Lillooet)
Vivian Nabata (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Nakashima Family
Frank Nakashima (East Lillooet)
Luke Nakashima (General)
In Memory of Sadajiro & Some Asari
Don Narukami
Roberta H. Nasu (East Lillooet)
Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre Auxiliary (East Lillooet)
David Nishioka (East Lillooet)
Stan Nukina (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Norman & Kiyoko Oikawa
Dana Oikawa (General)
From the Okino Family (East Lillooet)
Maryka Omatsu (McGillivray Falls)
Pacific Net & Twine Ltd. (East Lillooet)
Andrew Parke (East Lillooet)
Devon Parke (East Lillooet)
Graham Parke (East Lillooet)
Sheridan Parke nee Yano (East Lillooet)
Pattar Roofing Ltd. (East Lillooet)
In Honour of Yosh Kariatsumari's 80th Birthday
Norma Paz (East Lillooet)
Zheyu Peng (East Lillooet)
Linda K. Reid (East Lillooet, New Denver, Lemon Creek & Sandor)
Remax — Dale Falconer Realty (General)
Alissa Rogachevsky (East Lillooet)
Shigeo Saimoto (East Lillooet & Minto)
In Memory of My Uncle Ainosuke Sakai
Mitts Sakai (East Lillooet)
Terry Sakai (East Lillooet)
Marjory K. Sakata (East Lillooet)
In Honour of the Oyama Family — Father Shokichi & Mother Murae, Brother Masakazu, and Sister Chieko, and Akemi
Akemi Sakiyama (Lemon Creek)
Howard Shimokura (General)
Joyce T. Shimokura (Education Fund)
Ray S. Shimokura (East Lillooet, Hope-Princeton & General)
David Shimozawa (General)
In Memory of Kohei & Kimie Shimozawa
David Shimozawa (Hope-Princeton)
Norman M. Shuto (Kaslo)
In Memory of Charlie Horii
Mike Sokugawa (East Lillooet)
Edward Sumi (General)
Edward Sumi (Greenwood, Christina Lake, Midway, Kaslo & Revelstoke-Sicamous Road Camps)
From the Kitagawa Family who lived in Bridge River during internment (East Lillooet)
David Takahashi (East Lillooet)
Mitsuo Takasaki (Tashme & Greenwood)
In Memory of Mike Tanaka
Mary Tanaka (East Lillooet)
Wayne Tanaka (East Lillooet)
Minoru Tanaka (East Lillooet)
Mitsuru Tanaka (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Ichijiro Tanaka
Osamu Tanaka (East Lillooet)
Shigeru Tanaka (East Lillooet)
Bruce T. Tasaka (East Lillooet & Greenwood)
Charles Tasaka (Greenwood — Grand Forks, Christina Lake and Midway)
In Memory of Former Residents Husso Hasebe, Nobby Hamagami, Fumi Hamagami, Phil Aura, and Mitsi Oyama
Charles Tasaka (Greenwood)
In Memory of Jackie Imai
Charles Tasaka (Greenwood)
Dianne Tasaka (Greenwood)
Tasaka Fisheries Ltd. (East Lillooet)
Jim Tateishi (East Lillooet)
Linda Terai (East Lillooet)
Grace Eiko Thomson (General)
Kaz Toyama (General)
Roy Tsuyuki (East Lillooet)
Yvonne Wakabayashi (General)
Mihoko Wakita (East Lillooet)
Karl Willms (East Lillooet)
Tosh Yakura (East Lillooet)
Mary Yamada (East Lillooet)
In Honour of the Birthdays of Debbie & Aunt Rits
Roger & Diane Yamaguchi (General)
Roger Yamaguchi (East Lillooet & Minto)
Sam I. Yamamoto (McGillivray Falls, East Lillooet & Revelstoke)
Joji Yamanaka (East Lillooet)
Michael W. Yamanaka (East Lillooet)
Setsuko Yamashita (East Lillooet)
Kaori Yano nee Ishikawa (East Lillooet)
Mas Yano (East Lillooet)
Masaru Yano (East Lillooet)
Atsuko Yoneda (East Lillooet)
In Memory of James & May Ichikawa and Family, and Benji & Mitsuo Tanaka
Anonymous (East Lillooet)
Anonymous (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Grandparents Miki & Ichijiro Tanaka
Robert Akune (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Buyemon Araki Family
Ronald K. Araki (East Lillooet)
Takeru Araki (East Lillooet)
In Honour of Louis Horii
Conway Richmond Ltd. (East Lillooet)
Dominion Woodworking Inc.
(East Lillooet)
Elaine Englar (General)
Den Enjo (East Lillooet)
Masako Fukawa (General)
Susan H. Gratton (East Lillooet)
Cecilia Hamanishi (General)
Hideyo O. Harrell (Greenwood)
Tadashi Hayashi (East Lillooet)
Ruth Honkawa (General)
Hamako Horii (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Koichi & Kimie Imai Family
Anthony Imai (Greenwood)
Chad Ishikawa (East Lillooet)
Katsuko Ishikawa nee Kinjo (East Lillooet)
Noboru Ishikawa (East Lillooet)
Mitzi Iwata (Slocan Extension)
Basil Izumi (General & New Denver Harris Ranch, Nelson Ranch)
Miyoko Kaal (General)
In Recognition of Yosh Kariatsumari
The Family of Bertha Kallio (East Lillooet)
Kamitakahara Family (Slocan) & Okano Family (Greenwood)
Edward Kaminishi (East Lillooet & Education Fund)
Florence Kaminishi (East Lillooet & Education Fund)
Koichi Kaminishi (East Lillooet)
In Loving Memory of My Parents Sadajiro & Some Asari
Richard Kanegawa (East Lillooet)
In Celebration of Yosh's 80th Birthday
from Christine, Sara, and Gail (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Ichisuke, Teru, Chester and Sachi Kariatsumari
Gail A. Kariatsumari (East Lillooet)
George Kato (East Lillooet)
John Kato (East Lillooet)
In Honour of Masagoro & Tamako Kato Family (George, Jeannie, David, Noriko, John)
Michael Kato (East Lillooet)
George Katsumoto (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Mac Kawamoto
Mary F. Kawamoto (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Masao & Hisako Kawamoto
Nora Kawamoto (East Lillooet)
Ted Kawamoto (East Lillooet)
Sharon Kawasaki-Chan (Slocan Extension)
Yu-Zhi Kiang (General)
In Memory of Kitagawa Family: Minosuke Kitagawa, Misao Kitagawa, Kiyoshi (Rod) Kitagawa
Anne Kitagawa (East Lillooet)
The Kitagawa Family Who Lived in Bridge River During Internment
Koichi Kitagawa (East Lillooet)
Mas Kitagawa (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Arizo & Hatsue Tasaka
Cindy Kitamura (Greenwood)
Frederick Kitamura (Greenwood)
In Memory of Rosh Yoshie Tasaka
June Kitamura (East Lillooet)
June Kitamura (General)
Kikuye Komori (East Lillooet)
Yasuko Komori (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Marie Katsuno
Cheryl Kosaka & Warren Yamasaki (General)
Michiyo Lee (General)
W.B. Lee (General)
Patricia Mackling (Kaslo & New Denver)
In Memory of Friends & Relatives Incarcerated in Lemon Creek during WWII
Robert Maruyama (Lemon Creek)
Monica Matsubuchi (Greenwood)
Moira Matsubuchi-Shaw (Greenwood)
K. Matsumoto (East Lillooet)
Fujio Matsunaga (East Lillooet)
Osamu Matsunaga (East Lillooet)
Susumu Matsunaga (East Lillooet)
Terumi Matsunaga (East Lillooet)
Toshiko Matsunaga (East Lillooet)
Noriko McKee (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Judo & Mitsue Tasaka
Keiko McLean (East Lillooet)
Kim Pollard (East Lillooet)
Gordon Stava (East Lillooet)
Akemi Tasaka (East Lillooet)
Donald Tasaka (East Lillooet)
Sian Tasaka (East Lillooet)
Debbie Yamamura (East Lillooet)
Ed Yamamura (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Fujio Miki
Fuji Miki (East Lillooet)
In Memory of Takeo & Sumako Itani
Richard Minato (East Lillooet)
Victor Mochizuki (East Lillooet)
Glenn Momotani (East Lillooet)
Jennifer Momotani nee Yano (East Lillooet)