Monthly Donations Update (January 26, 2022 - February 27, 2022) — Nikkei Place Foundation

Monthly Donations Update (January 26, 2022 - February 27, 2022)

Important Notice:

Since March 18, 2020, Nikkei Place Foundation has transitioned all staff to work remotely until further notice, in response to the rapidly evolving situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Rest assured, we are still accepting donations, but encourage you to donate online to avoid any delays with receiving your tax receipt. For any questions or concerns, we can be reached at or 604.777.2122

Thank you to our recent donors!

Gifts listed from January 26, 2022 - February 27, 2022 inclusive

We apologize for any errors or omissions on this list. If your name has not been included, and you think it has been missed, please contact us and we will look into this right away.


Amanda Harris
Hiroyuki & Tomie Morimoto
Mary Murao
Michael Prior
Masako Sakuma-Anderson
Jumi Akemi Sugawara
Tracey Tabata
Patricia Wood
Michi Yamasaki


Saeko Tsuda

Andrew & Donna Elliott
EllisDon Corporation
Kami Insurance Agencies Ltd.

Ruth Cridland
Mas & Kaori Yano

Lauro Chartrand

Toshie Hosonuma
Yosh & Gail Kariatsumari
Ronald & Shirley Lee
Toshiko Tabata

Junichi & Atsumi Hashimoto
Ron & Marion MacQueen
Atsuko Mori


Lauro Chartrand
EllisDon Corporation
Mas & Kaori Yano

In Celebration of Yoshiko Hirano’s 102nd Birthday
Carina Abe

In Honour of Dennis Shikaze

In Memory of Hisako Asano
Toyoko & Alan Oikawa

In Memory of George & Dorothy Cruickshank
Catherine Tagseth

In Memory of Ineke J. Dijks
Dr. Michael C. Wilson

In Memory of Itsuko Lorraine Harada
John & Carol-Anne Kamitakahara

In Memory of Jiro Kamiya
Joseph & Danielle Cantafio

In Memory of Kusuo (Dick) Koyanagi
Michael Borowski & Diane Shikaze

In Memory of Shirley Koyanagi
Alan Koyanagi

In Memory of Yukio Tony Nasu
Roberta H. Nasu

In Memory of David Oye
Richard & Nancy Minato

In Memory of Patricia Shimizu
Joyce M. Nakamoto

In Memory of Kohei & Kimie Shimozawa
David & Rita Shimozawa

In Memory of Setsuko Shoji-Araki
Andrew & Donna Elliott
Carolyn Elliott

In Memory of Dr. George Sugiyama
Wayne & Rachel Tanaka

In Memory of Mitsuru & Mary Yodogawa
Patricia Wood

Anonymous (2)
Carina Abe
Ian & Debbie Burgess
Brian & Marcia Carr
Patricia H. Chan
Michael & Ruth Coles
Grant Dustin
Masami Hanashiro
Junichi & Atsumi Hashimoto
Tad & Mitsuko Hosoi
Shaun Inouye
Kenneth & Bernadine Isomura
Mary F. Kawamoto
Satoko Kobayashi 
Greciana Langamon
Tommy Li
Shinobu Kadome
Stewart Kawaguchi
Ted Kawamoto
Catherine Makihara
Masako & Ken Moriyama
Anne Motozono
Roberta H. Nasu
Craig Natsuhara

Takeshi & Mizuho Ogasawara
Chris Oikawa
Hanako Oye
Linda Kawamoto Reid
Vivian Rygnestad
Jim & Norma Sawada
Howard Shimokura
Audrey Shimozawa
Barbara Shishido
Charlotte Takasaki
Sharlene A. Tabata
Joyce C. Takeshita
Darlene Tanaka & Trevor Jones
Grace Tanaka
Ginzo & Harue Udagawa
Hisako Wada
Fred & Linda Yada
Chris, Jan Yamamoto & Family
Norine K. Yamamoto
Sam Yamamoto
Tatsuo & Mariko Yamamoto
Jack Yeh
Gwendolyn Yip & Santa Ono


Yoshiharu Hashimoto
George & Elaine Homma
Betty Issenman
Sato Kobayashi
Cathy Makihara
Robert & Jane Nimi
Carrie Okano
Linda Kawamoto Reid
Richard & Gail Shinde
Norman Shuto
Haruko Takamori
Sian Tasaka
Fred & Linda Yada
Sam Yamamoto