Nikkei Youth Athletics Bursary is currently accepting applications

The Nikkei Place Foundation is currently accepting applications for the Nikkei Youth Athletics Bursary

The Nikkei Youth Athletics Bursary is a $1,000 bursary, administered by Nikkei Place Foundation, that recognizes the achievements of Canadian Nikkei youth student-athletes who foster excellence in sports, academics and community leadership. 


This bursary aims to support and encourage youth engagement in their community and the building of healthy communities through athletics. One recipient is chosen annually, and is presented with it at the Foundation’s annual spring gala (event currently TBD due to the pandemic).

The bursary launched in 2016 and was made possible through a generous donation by the Nikkei Hockey program, which ran from 2000-2012.

“The vision of the sponsors of the bursary was to enable Nikkei youth to advance in their sport or endeavor and learn a bit more about their Japanese roots” says Paul Kariya, one of the organizers of the Nikkei Hockey program.

“The Nikkei Hockey program combined great ice hockey with education about Japanese ancestry and cultural exchange. The early teams like Team 2000, 2002 and 2004 competed in Japan’s U-18 national selection camps, so the hockey was very high calibre. Japan wanted tough skilled Canadians to challenge their youth. When not on the ice, our players got to visit the Japanese Diet, meet the Canadian Ambassador, learn about Japanese history, culture and visit historic sites. The boys worked hard to make the teams as hockey players but came away rewarded with so much more – an understanding of where their bachans or gichans (grandmothers and grandfathers) had come from.” 

The Nikkei Place Foundation extends thanks to Paul Kariya, Ian Burgess, Dan Nomura, and Ken Takeuchi who are pleased to represent the many contributors to the past Nikkei Hockey Club.

“The Nikki Youth Athletics Bursary is a wonderful example of how donors can come together to create a lasting impact on members of future generations.” says Naomi Kawamura, Executive Director. “The Foundation is excited to help another Nikkei youth this year with their academic and athletic aspirations.”

Both individuals and organizations are eligible to apply. Apply online by August 31, 2021 to be considered for the 2020-21 recipient. Previous recipients include competitive kendoka Kianna Darbshire (2019-2020), and the Shin Asahi Baseball Team (2018-19).
