Kenko Talks: An Educational Series about Healthy Aging

Kenko Talks: An Educational Series about Healthy Aging

November’s topic will be on “Financial Planning in Your Senior Years”! Date to be announced soon.

In 2018, Nikkei Seniors Society started running ‘Kenko Talks’, a series of educational seminars to discuss important topics and issues facing today’s seniors. The series has addressed a number of topics about health care and planning for the future as we age. The most recent talk in October, “Advance Care Planning”, featured Advance Care Planning Nurse Clinician speakers from the Fraser Health Authority.

November’s topic will be on “Financial Planning in Your Senior Years”. Stay tuned, the date will be announced soon!

Interested in attending?

  • All Kenko Talks are free to attend ($5 donation is appreciated)

  • Talks are in English (with a Japanese interpreter)

  • Maximum capacity: 30 people

  • Register to attend by calling Nikkei Seniors Society at 604.777.5000 (ext 2000) or email

Kenko Talks topics have included:

“Advance Care Planning” (october 2019)

  • Expressing your wishes and instructions for future health care treatment

  • Expressing your life’s meaning, purpose and joy?

  • Why plan now? What does my health condition mean to me?

  • Starting advance care planning - deciding who makes decisions for you when you cannot.

  • Resources

“Moving Along in Your Caregiving” (September 2019)

  • Hands-on demonstration - techniques and equipment

  • Helping your loved one to stay mobile

  • Fall and injury prevention

  • Practical ways to help support your loved one’s abilities

  • Resources

“Being an Informal Caregiver” (June 2019)

  • Caregiving -- what is it anyway?

  • Normal aging? or illness? What to look out for

  • Planning for the future

  • Practical Steps

“De-Prescribing— What’s That” (February 2019)

  • Getting the word out on what prescriptions you’re taking and why you need to be vigilant.

  • Too many meds? Why all the fuss?

  • What percent of seniors take 5 to 10+ meds? What is polypharmacy?

  • How do medications stay in our body?

  • What can you do?

“Choices for Seniors Housing” (November 2018)

  • What are the options for assisted living, independent living, and residential care?

“Care at Home — Home is Best” (June 2018)

  • How to arrange care so you can live at home independently